Ocean-bound plastic bottles are salvaged, and make their way to Repreve’s advanced recycling facility.
Ocean-bound plastic bottles are salvaged, and make their way to Repreve’s advanced recycling facility.
Bottles are sorted, washed and chopped into flake. The clean flake is blended, melted, and turned into Repreve recycled chip.
The chip is transformed into fibres and then recreated into a beautiful material using the latest innovative techniques.
The recycled material is transformed into a 365 Dry Poncho, designed to long outlive the plastic throwaway.
Ocean-bound plastic bottles are salvaged, and make their way to Repreve’s advanced recycling facility.
Bottles are sorted, washed and chopped into flake. The clean flake is blended, melted, and turned into Repreve recycled chip.
The chip is transformed into fibres and then recreated into a beautiful material using the latest innovative techniques.
The recycled material is transformed into a 365 Dry Poncho, designed to long outlive the plastic throwaway.